Abhilasha Education Institute in Mira Road East | Entrepreneurs journey ...

The Connect people work world team promotes the various services providers in our society, today we have Mrs Julie Singh trustee of Abhilasha education Institute in Mira Road East.


Mrs Julie is passionate about teaching,she started following her passion in the early 2000s.


Abhilasha started as a coaching class in 2009,

After that they come up with an teachers training course, Then preprimary school now they provide education uptil high school.


Abhilasha Institute is a well trusted education Institute in mira bhayander located at mangal nagar with 100 Percent female staff.


In covid they reduced their school fees to 50 percent & convinced parents to not to discontinue their wards education due to the pandemic.


Due to the shift of offline to online, children were distressed by the change in education mode. to make them feel better they scheduled the extracurricular activities along with regular lectures.

Cpw world wishes abhilasha Institute good luck.


Contact Abhilasha Institute for admission


Email id : julliesingh1902@gmail.com

Mob : 9920670437


