Development Man of Taloja | Satish Shetty (Anna) | President of TIA | Taloja MIDC



Nillima Thakur

Team member

Cpw world





Mr. Satish Shetty (Anna)


Taloja Industries Association (TIA)


Taloja is located in 35kms radius of Mumbai that is in chembur.


2139 acre of land is owned by taloja

out of which 974 acres is industries , such as chemical,pharma,seafood,engineering  industries.



Several industries were seen playing a vital role during covid. As they were oxygen plants, sanitizer manufacturing industries etc.



Taloja has grown from a small scale mission to a well settled group of industries.



Few of the noted developments of TIA:


Establishing ETP plant

(Effluent Treatment Plant)

For betterment of industries.


HDP pipeline connecting line for effluent disposal.


Taloja has also been working on a river cleaning campaign which is a 4.2km stretched seasonal river.


President of the company also spoke about the dam construction on a local river Kasadi which will prove noteworthy for fishermen of koli samaj for fisheries as fishing can be carried on for all 365 days.



There are different dam plans for residentials as well as industries.


Taloja has a well built drainage system:

which acts super efficient during Mumbai monsoons.



The location has got a Kharghar metro line connectivity,which makes this place approachable.


Mr Shetty says CSR (Corporate social responsibility) has played a prominent role in the large-scale development to take place  .



Taloja is working on building 100 beds Cancer Care hospital in 2.5 acre land involving 100cr with association with CSR.


The association is building an Industrial town ship where labourers & industry employees can locate in the vicinity of the workplace.


With help of CSR 150 CCTV cameras worth Rs 35 Lakhs are fitted for security concerns to track the malpractices done to pollute local water bodies.


Shetty Anna says soon the ring road infrastructure will take place which will drastically cut down the traffic in the industry areas.


While keeping in mind the safety of the residents he has proposed the allotment of Buffer zone.


Buffer zone is a space between industry and residential to avoid inconvenience and tragedy to the residents.


Many prestigious brands are in connection with taloja like Asian paint, Kellogg's,Dove , Colombia, Deepak fertilizer etc,for their expansion.


Anna is thankful towards his labour force.



Mr. Shetty is known as the development man of Taloja as he works for the welfare of local masses.


Mr Satish Shetty (The Family Man) was born & brought up in Chembur itself. From childhood onwards he was made to dedicate himself to social work under his mother tutelage. He says that practical knowledge about the industries has helped him a lot in achieving great endeavors in his life.


On women entrepreneurship he adds to our knowledge that his mother Smt. Pravati Shetty runs a trust named Smt Parvati Tai charitable trust. This trust helps the society for happy living. Free Ambulance service, ration donation for senior citizens & needy, are the other noteworthy charities done by his mother's trust. His wife is Smt. Preeti Shetty looks after the business of Mr Shetty.


 Always have a smile on face, be relaxed, focus & everything will come on its way is the success mantra of Mr Shetty.


Mr Satish Shetty (Anna) is a very grounded person. Always in the process of development at the regional level first.

Cpw world wishes him a healthy & prosperous life ahead.

